Due to the COVID-19 lockdown and the release of the 5th game in the Animal Crossing series, Animal Crossing: New Horizons, releasing in March 2020, many people wanted to find solutions to the boredom of lockdown. Nintendo saw an increase of 36.28% in their net income from the previous year, and Switches were sold out across the country. Manufacturing companies were closed due to COVID and Nintendo had limited production with a high demand. However once Asia started seeing a decrease in COVID-19 cases in August, Nintendo began to boost their production to meet their consumers needs.
Computer parts began to see an increase in sales as more people began working at home. Gamers and employees alike were looking to build good computers. Nvidia, a graphics card company, had a revenue of $10.92 billion in the 2019-2020 fiscal year. During the pandemic, they saw an increase by 53% with a revenue of $16.6 billion.